Your first reflexology treatment will include a must-have consultation so I can tailor-make the treatment to suit you for optimum results so allow 1 hour 15 minutes for this.
4 Reflexology Treatments paid in advance.
Contact 087 3416476 to book
Your first Reflexology treatment will include a full consultation before your relaxing, safe session.
This treatment is child-led but the actual treatment usually only takes about 10/15minutes and then I will show the Parent/Guardian some reflex points to work on at home.
Baby/Children Reflexology Bundle - €100
4 Baby/Children Reflexology Treatments paid for in advance.
Contact 087 3416476 to book.
Maternity Reflexology Bundle - €180
4 Maternity Reflexology Sessions to be paid for in advance. You will also receive a bespoke essential oil blend to be used which should help ease labour symptoms.
Contact 087 3416476 to book.
Your first Reflexology treatment will include a consultation so I can tailor-make the treatment to suit you for optimum results while supporting you on your Menopause journey.
Menopause Reflexology Bundle - €180
4 Menopause Reflexology treatments to be paid for in advance, which will help support you on your Menopause journey. You will also receive a bespoke essential oil blend to be used to help support your symptoms of Menopause.
Contact 087 3416476 to book.
Hopi Ear Candling - 40 minutes - €40
This treatment is 40 minutes in duration and includes Hopi Ear Candling Treatment and Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
This treatment is 60 minutes in duration and includes Hopi Ear Candling, Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Reflexology Taster.
Hopi Ear Candling - 90 minutes - €75
This treatment is 90 minutes in duration and includes Hopi Ear Candling, Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Full Reflexology treatment.
Indian Head Massage - 40 minutes - €40
This massage includes Shoulders, Upper Back, Arms, Scalp and Face.
This full-body massage will include the remainder of the bespoke essential oil used during treatment to take home to prolong therapeutic effects between treatments.
Aromatherapy Back, Neck, Arm & Shoulder Massage - 45/50 Minutes - €50
This massage will include the remainder of the bespoke essential oil used during treatment to take home to prolong therapeutic effects between treatments.
Combination Treatments (not including Aromatherapy Treatments)
Aromatherapy Consultation & Bespoke Blend - From €15
This service can happen in person or over the phone. It will consist of a brief consultation to find out the individual's specific needs. I will then prepare a bespoke essential oil blend depending on their symptoms and their individual needs which will include instructions on how to use the blend at home. The blend can then be posted or collected. The price will depend on how many different types of essential oils the client requires. The initial consultation and 1 x 25ml bottle of essential oil is €15 plus P&P. Each subsequent bottle of oil will be €10 plus P&P.
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